OPT Token Overview

The OptionFlow Token, commonly known as OPT, stands as the native digital asset of the OptionFlow platform. It operates within the Cardano ecosystem and holds a unique Policy ID:

Policy ID: 1ddcb9c9de95361565392c5bdff64767492d61a96166cb16094e54be

In-Depth Tokenomics of OPT

Diving into the economics behind the OPT token, it boasts a robust structure:

  • Total Supply: The ecosystem caps the total OPT token supply at 45 million.

  • Exclusive Claim for MILK Holders: A whopping 10 million OPT is reserved exclusively for MILK token advocates. If you're a MILK token enthusiast, you're entitled to a 1:1 claim ratio; for every MILK token in your arsenal, you can claim an equivalent OPT token. The coverage for this claim is exhaustive, including MILK tokens in every form—be it staked, vaulted, or represented as LP tokens. Set your calendar reminders for the snapshot on July 26th, 3 pm UTC!

  • Yield Farming Incentives: We earmarked 5 million OPT tokens to reward the champions of the OptionFlow ecosystem—those who contribute their energy and resources to its augmentation and liquidity.

  • Public Sale Distribution: The public sale witnessed a release of 30 million OPT tokens to early adopters and supporters.

OPT Utility

OPT isn't just a token—it's a passport to an array of utilities within the OptionFlow ecosystem (kindly note that the availability of some features is in transition and might vary):

  • Premium Analytical Access: Delve deeper into analytics with advanced features, available exclusively to OPT holders.

  • Fee Discounts: OPT tokens are your key to discounted fees, slashing costs associated with option creation and redemption on the OptionFlow platform.

  • Community Engagement: Have a voice! Engage actively in community polls and make your opinions count.

  • Governance Power: Play an active role in molding the future direction of OptionFlow by influencing protocol parameters.

Airdrop for MILK Holders 🎁 🚀

In appreciation of the MILK community's support and commitment, we are rolling out an exclusive airdrop. The snapshot for this airdrop is set for July 26th at 3 pm UTC. Every MILK token in your portfolio, regardless of its current state—staked, stored in vaults, or serving as LP tokens—qualifies you for an OPT token. Simply put: the more MILK tokens you have, the greater the number of OPT tokens you can claim.

About Us

Behind every great innovation lies a story of passion, dedication, and vision. OptionFlow's tale began within the collaborative walls of MuesliSwap. We aren't just coders and tech enthusiasts; we're believers in a decentralized future where the transformative power of Cardano reshapes the landscape of finance.

With OptionFlow, we sought to bridge the vast world of options trading with the groundbreaking capabilities of the Cardano blockchain. Our objective was clear: to democratize the complex realm of options and bring its opportunities to every corner of the globe.

Our Guiding Principles

  • Accessibility: For us, the world of options trading shouldn't be a gated community, but an open field. We dream of a platform where anyone, anywhere, can partake in the financial symphony of options trading.

  • Transparency: We're in the age of information, and trust is its currency. With our reliance on Cardano's smart contracts, we ensure that every interaction on our platform is transparent, trustworthy, and traceable.

  • Innovation: Stagnation isn't in our vocabulary. In this ever-evolving landscape, we pledge to be pioneers — always innovating, always adapting. By listening to our community and anticipating the market's pulse, we're perpetually refining our approach.

As we conclude this guide, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to you, our community. Your trust, feedback, and enthusiasm have been our guiding lights. With OptionFlow, we've not only built a platform; together, we're shaping the future. Join us in this continued journey as we redefine options trading for the decentralized world.

Last updated